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Tom Foley is a producer, writer and musician from New York. Tom Foley is a very common name apparently so if you do a search, you will find quite a few Tom Foleys including politicians and professional athletes. This is not that Tom Foley. No politics here. We like sports but… no sports here. This website is about the film, music,  and books created and / or produced by Tom Foley from New York. It probably would have been easier for Tom to just change his name to some hip short nick name like “Sting”, “Whoopi” or “Slash.” And not to demean any of those people but, that isn’t Tom. Tom is comfortable being just Tom. 

You should also know that Tom Foley is also a business consultant and the director of 543 Media, Inc.; a New York multi media company specializing in design (graphics and web), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), film production, publishing, and business consulting.

Peter Seth Mayer (Tom’s manager)